Source code for textbox.module.strategy

# @Time   : 2020/12/5
# @Author : Junyi LI
# @Email  :

# @Time   : 2020/12/27
# @Author : Tianyi Tang
# @Email  :

Common Strategys in text generation

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import math

[docs]def topk_sampling(logits, temperature=1.0, top_k=0, top_p=0.9): r""" Filter a distribution of logits using top-k and/or nucleus (top-p) filtering Args: logits (torch.Tensor): logits distribution top_k >0: keep only top k tokens with highest probability (top-k filtering). top_p >0.0: keep the top tokens with cumulative probability >= top_p (nucleus filtering). Return: torch.Tensor: the chosen index of token. """ logits = logits / temperature top_k = min(top_k, logits.size(-1)) # Safety check if top_k > 0: values = torch.topk(logits, top_k)[0] # B x top_k batch_mins = values[:, :, -1].expand_as(logits.squeeze(1)).unsqueeze(1) logits = torch.where(logits < batch_mins, torch.ones_like(logits) * -1e10, logits) if 0.0 < top_p < 1.0: probs = torch.softmax(logits, dim=-1) sorted_probs, _ = torch.sort(probs, descending=True, dim=-1) cumprobs = sorted_probs.cumsum(dim=-1) # Create mask for all cumulative probabilities less than p mask = cumprobs < top_p # First mask must always be pickable mask = F.pad(mask[:, :, :-1], (1, 0, 0, 0), value=1) masked_probs = torch.where(mask, sorted_probs, torch.tensor(float('inf')).to(probs)) batch_mins = masked_probs.min(dim=-1, keepdim=True)[0].expand_as(logits) # Mask out all logits (tail) that are too small logits = torch.where(probs < batch_mins, torch.tensor(float('-inf')).to(logits), logits) probabilities = F.softmax(logits, dim=-1) probabilities = probabilities.squeeze(1) token_idx = torch.multinomial(probabilities, 1) return token_idx
[docs]class Beam_Search_Hypothesis(object): r""" Class designed for beam search. """ def __init__(self, beam_size, sos_token_idx, eos_token_idx, device, idx2token): self.beam_size = beam_size self.sos_token_idx = sos_token_idx self.eos_token_idx = eos_token_idx self.device = device self.idx2token = idx2token self.hypthetic_token_idx = [[sos_token_idx]] self.completed_hypotheses = [] self.hyp_scores = torch.zeros(1).to(device)
[docs] def generate(self): r""" Pick the hypothesis with max prob among beam_size hypothesises. Return: List[str]: the generated tokens """ generate_idx = self.hypthetic_token_idx[0][1:] if (len( self.completed_hypotheses ) == 0) else max(self.completed_hypotheses, key=lambda hyp: hyp[1])[0] generate_tokens = [self.idx2token[idx.item()] for idx in generate_idx] return generate_tokens
[docs] def stop(self): r""" Determine if the beam search is over. Return: Bool: ``True`` represents the search over, `Flase` represents the search working. """ return len(self.completed_hypotheses) == self.beam_size
[docs] def step( self, gen_idx, token_logits, decoder_states=None, encoder_output=None, encoder_mask=None, input_type='token' ): r""" A step for beam search. Args: gen_idx (int): the generated step number. token_logits (torch.Tensor): logits distribution, shape: [hyp_num, sequence_length, vocab_size]. decoder_states (torch.Tensor, optional): the states of decoder needed to choose, shape: [hyp_num, sequence_length, hidden_size], default: None. encoder_output (torch.Tensor, optional): the output of encoder needed to copy, shape: [hyp_num, sequence_length, hidden_size], default: None. encoder_mask (torch.Tensor, optional): the mask of encoder to copy, shape: [hyp_num, sequence_length], default: None. Return: torch.Tensor: the next input squence, shape: [hyp_num], torch.Tensor, optional: the chosen states of decoder, shape: [new_hyp_num, sequence_length, hidden_size] torch.Tensor, optional: the copyed output of encoder, shape: [new_hyp_num, sequence_length, hidden_size] torch.Tensor, optional: the copyed mask of encoder, shape: [new_hyp_num, sequence_length] """ token_probs = F.log_softmax(token_logits, dim=-1).squeeze(1) vocab_size = token_probs.shape[-1] live_hyp_num = self.beam_size - len(self.completed_hypotheses) tmp_hyp_scores = (self.hyp_scores.unsqueeze(1).expand_as(token_probs) + token_probs).view(-1) top_scores, top_pos = torch.topk(tmp_hyp_scores, k=live_hyp_num) hyp_ids = (top_pos / vocab_size).long() word_ids = top_pos % vocab_size new_hypotheses = [] new_ids = [] new_scores = [] for hyp_id, word_id, score in zip(hyp_ids, word_ids, top_scores): new_hyp = self.hypthetic_token_idx[hyp_id] + [word_id] if (word_id == self.eos_token_idx): self.completed_hypotheses.append((new_hyp[1:-1], score / (gen_idx - 1))) else: new_hypotheses.append(new_hyp) new_ids.append(hyp_id) new_scores.append(score) if (len(self.completed_hypotheses) == self.beam_size): none_cnt = (decoder_states is not None) + (encoder_output is not None) + (encoder_mask is not None) + 1 return [None] * none_cnt self.hypthetic_token_idx = new_hypotheses self.hyp_scores = torch.tensor(new_scores).to(self.device) hyp_num = len(self.hypthetic_token_idx) if (input_type == 'token'): input_seq = [hyp[-1] for hyp in self.hypthetic_token_idx] input_seq = torch.tensor(input_seq).unsqueeze(1).to(self.device) elif (input_type == 'whole'): input_seq = torch.tensor(self.hypthetic_token_idx).to(self.device) else: raise ValueError("The input type must be in ['token', 'whole'].") returns = [input_seq] if (decoder_states is not None): new_ids = torch.tensor(new_ids).to(self.device) if (isinstance(decoder_states, tuple)): (x, y) = decoder_states decoder_states = (x[:, new_ids, :], y[:, new_ids, :]) else: decoder_states = decoder_states[:, new_ids, :] returns += [decoder_states] if (encoder_output is not None): encoder_output = encoder_output[0:1].repeat(hyp_num, 1, 1) returns += [encoder_output] if (encoder_mask is not None): encoder_mask = encoder_mask[0:1].repeat(hyp_num, 1) returns += [encoder_mask] return returns